Liverpool Public School is returning to full time face-to face learning from Monday 25 May 2020.
All students are expected back at school unless:
- They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition
- They are currently unwell
Parents and carers can refer to the guide to NSW school students returning to face-to- face learning for further information.
Parents and carers of Liverpool Public School are asked to refer to our Skoolbag and Facebook accounts for information on how we are managing the return to school.
A managed return to school
Liverpool Public School is implementing a managed return to school [PDF 59KB] .
We are currently in Phase 1
Phase 1 means students are at school at least one day per week.
Parents and carers were informed of the day their child/children will be attending school by letter. The letter was sent to the address that the school has on file. This information is also included in your child's Google Classroom.
To support Phase 1 parents and carers are asked to:
- Follow your school’s advice regarding changes to drop off and pick up
- Maintain social distancing by avoiding gathering outside of school gates
- Make sure your child/children have access to lunch and snacks
- Support your child/children to continue learning at home on remote learning days
- Communicate with your school via email and phone wherever possible
- Follow the health advice and keep your child/children at home if they are unwell
Learning from home
Liverpool Public School is using a single method of teaching.
Students are completing the same learning whether they are learning from home or learning at school.
Access to learning resources
Staff have developed units of work that can be accessed online using technology or in printed form.
It is easiest to access learning from home if students are able to use a desktop computer or laptop.
Liverpool Public School is able to loan devices to students that do not have access to technology. Please contact the school to discuss your requirements.
Students have already received a stationery pack to support learning from home in the mail. This pack included an exercise book or scrap book. It is important to keep this book safe as even though learning is online there will be times when students are asked to complete some of their learning in the book.
Printed material will be sent to students using the postal address held by the school. Not all students will receive printed material. Only students that require printed material to support their learning or who do not have access to technology will receive printed material.
Digital platforms
To support student learning from home we are using a combination of the following platforms:
We may also use telephone and text messaging to contact students and their families.
Learning timetable
Each class will have a timetable of the day’s learning displayed in Google Classroom.
Parents and carers are asked to support their child by logging into Google Classroom each morning to view and plan the day’s learning. This is best done by 9am each morning.
Live sessions
Staff will be running live sessions throughout the day using Zoom.
Students can access their class Zoom room using the password protected links shared by their teacher. The link is found in the student’s Google Classroom.
Students must log into Zoom using their Department of Education details.
Visit the live sessions page of our website for information on when live sessions are scheduled during the week for each grade.
Other information to support learning from home
Visit the following parts of our website for further information that may support learning from home.
- Additional learning has ideas for students to continue their learning if they want to try an additional learning challenge.
- School community has resources for parents and carers to help support learning from home.
- How to guides has links to help sections and guides for the different digital platforms we are using.
Contact information
For further information or support, parents and carers can contact the school by:
Students can also send a message to their teacher in Google Classroom.
Staff may not be able to respond immediately if they are teaching or supporting other students. Emails and telephone calls will be returned within 48 hours during school hours.
Telephone Interpreter Service
Parents and carers may use the Telephone Interpreter Service. Information on how to access the service is below in different languages.